Ziro the Hutt Minifigure
Purple Hutt from The Clone Wars
Comes disassembled, 6 pieces total.
Designed by @bricks.of.chaos (Instagram)
First 2 pics are 3d Render images
4 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
Absolutely incredible prints on this fig. I wish the belly print was on the side so he could be displayed with his tail out to one side instead of directly behind but then the tattoo from the head to tail wouldn't line up so this is fine. Great to finally be getting another Hutt besides Jabba. Awesome.
Ziro The Hutt Star Wars The Clone Wars Minifigure
I Love this figure, the printing on this is awesome
Zero the Hutt
Very unique and fun figure from the Clone Wars! I had to have one because I have never seen one before. The only issue with the one I received is that the printing on the belly/bottom piece is not as bright as the top piece as shown. It looks like it could have used another pass with the printer to help make it match. The tail looks great, the front was a little disappointing. Otherwise, very happy to have such a unique figure in my collection.
Purple Jabb!!
This Zero is only missing the red feathers, but it looks amazing next to my collection of bounty hunters.